Friday, July 17, 2015

Moving right along . . . entering the fourth week

My new best friend is my cane.  Moving into the fourth week of recovery from my surgery I am able to set aside the walker and accomplish most functions with the aide of a cane.  I had the choice of getting one with purple kittens and flowers, but opted for something more sedate, fashionable bronze.  A friend mentioned that using a cane provides "gravitas."  Nice.  I've been accused of many things, but gravitas will be a new one, if indeed the cane gives me a sense of dignity.  We will see.

Today is 25 days since the surgery was performed.  I'm feeling overall well-ish.  I continue to move V E R Y    S L O W L Y.   I can't lift much and the kinds of motions needed to make the bed are still a bit out of range.  But, I'm happy to report (and Ron concurs) that I'm fully functional in the kitchen and can bake cookies as well as mac and cheese.  We have been eating well, and grocery shopping is particularly fun since the smooth surface of grocery store floors makes moving easy.  In fact using the shopping card substitutes for the walker or cane.  Sweet.

Today I've been reading Bernie Roth's  (one of the founders of Stanford's d-school) new book,  THE ACHIEVEMENT HABIT.   It is full of practical advice about how to get things done, change perspective and get out of your own way.  I enjoy reading a book that respects the reader's time and offers more than platitudes.  Good reading. I recommend it.

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